With the project WeGrow we want to support the youth professionals (youth workers, youth trainers, youth leaders, and mentors of young volunteers of the European Solidarity Corps) to ensure the social inclusion of all young people. The ever-changing nature of European society demands a high level of social skills; a prerequisite for inclusion. This is true for all countries regardless of the stage of development of their economies and it affects both the people working with the youth and their target group- the youth.
With our project, we wish to address the need of youth professionals for continuous professional development with a focus on competencies to support the development of Emotional Intelligence (EQ) and the social skills of young people with low school performance, early school leavers, and/ or NEET.
The project aims to promote the development of the Emotional Intelligent of young people with low school performance, early school leavers, and/ or NEET through Youth Work. To achieve this aim, the partners will first work on the competence development of youth professionals (youth workers, youth trainers, mentors of ESC volunteers).
The objectives of the project are to:
- Increase the skills of Youth Workers and update their methodologies so as to better support young people with fewer opportunities to improve their Emotional Intelligence including interpersonal and intra- personal skills, adaptability, stress management, and general attitude.
- Help young people with low school performance, early school leavers, and/ or NEET to develop basic and transversal cognitive, and especially emotional and social skills, using innovative approaches. These skills are becoming increasingly important for education performance and employability.
- Provide youth organisations with a structured coaching programme that enhances self-awareness and self-management of personal emotions.
- Raise the impact of Youth Work by creating an open European e-platform for best practices and the creation of awareness on EQ at the European level through innovative content.